Wednesday, April 23, 2008

PowerRule-Mary Hoy

Mary Hoy was elected West Ward Alderman in April 2007. Here are her pledges as stated in her campaign brochure, "Ship a Hoy To CITY Hall", Ray Staton Treasurer.

  • Establish an openness of communication between myself and the citizens of Weatherby Lake, especially those in the Westside Ward. An informed community is an involved and empowered community.

  • Build upon my experience t plan strategically; to manage large budgets and to examine the financial affairs of Weatherby Lake with the goal of developing new revenue streams, sound fiscal accountability, management and public disclosure

  • Utilize my skills managing personnel matters for the benefit of our city.

  • Cooperate with other governmental agencies and the WLIC. Collaboration makes each entity stronger and maximizes limited resources.

  • Work to improve the infrastructure of Weatherby Lake, including police protection, roads, signage, and buildings. Maintaining and increasing property values benefits everyone.

  • Maintain a questioning mind towards all City Hall matters. Careful listening will lead to fair and wiser solutions.

How did Alderman Hoy perform, in your opinion, during her first year?


Anonymous said...

The only one that seems close is the "questioning mind" but it was usually to ask about financial matters already voted on. And on police protection as a priority, there didn't seem to be much priority on that with the fuss over a new police car - and it was even in the budget. Don't think we'll see buried utility lines in our lifetime either.

westsider said...

Mary forgot why she was run the business of the city. She and Pat White spent their 1st year in office trying to find fiscal impropriety. Finding none, they turned to sniping: too much spent on Christmas dinners for employees ($650 less than budgeted), no diversity on VOLUNTEER boards, will the new auditor do the job (while gleefully spending the unbudgeted savings on the Com Cntr), can't read the financials (need color coding). It is the best entertainment in town.

Anonymous said...

She has done her email updates, but reading previous posts there seems to be problems. Don't know what to think of her excluding or dropping folks from her list. She often seems lost during discussions of budget. I am not aware of Mary finding any new revenue streams for the city. If there have been personnel issues I do not know if Mary has helped resolve. I don't know of any initiatives she has led to improve infrastructure or increase property values. She has had a questioning mind, often forgetting previous discussions or votes at council meetings. Like her colleague Pat White, her brochure appeared to be political hype short on results.

WLBagLady said...

Good or bad implementation, i think Mary's initiative on email updates has single handedly spurred the electronic boon within both the East and West community (including this blog!). Most have been using this medium for almost a decade, yet no one before her had taken the time to publish advance agendas, summarize the meetings and create email distribution. I applaud her for this minor effort that has had MAXIMUM impact. The rest is still up for debate, but at least we know what the issues are!

Brian said...

Mr. Moratz,

I understand that an engaged Electorate is a good electorate. Your asking about how certain members of the council are doing according to their campaign literature is correct to do. However, I must tell you that I learned a lot from the time I wrote my campaign brochure and what I heard from the citizens upon knocking on doors. As well, when I collected those cards from the Citizens asking what are their concerns, I learned a lot. Most all public servants have that experience. They learn and then adapt. Otherwise we would all run our campaigns on the slogan "Change is good" if not the incumbent (and leave it at that) or "Two more years" if we are the incumbent.

Now the real question to perhaps level the playing field a bit. Tell us about your campaign for Alderperson West Side and how you scored after the fact. You were also the Mayor Pro-Tem who presided over many meetings (several "Special Sessions" in the absence of the elected Mayor). Tell us about your pre-office impressions and plans as compared to your actual experiences. If you took a snap shot of your campaign expectations verses what actually happened while in office, did it warrant any change in your actions compared to your pre election expectations?

How would you grade yourself after taking office compared to your "campaign" literature or your personal impressions.

As many pro football coach have said, "The best coaches in the world offer guidance taken from Monday morning's sports page"

What issues were the most troubling to you as an Alderperson and Mayor Pro-Tem? Were they different than you expected when you won the job?

Help us who are interested in public service. Advise us on what to expect.

Brian Stevenson