Sunday, April 6, 2008

York for Mayor

I was going to post this early this morning but postponed it until I had received an update on Gaye. That is in my comments of previous post.

At the January Board of Aldermen meeting, Jerry Bos took a seat next to me prior to the start. He mentioned he was running for mayor. I asked him point blank, "what is broke that you are going to fix?" I didn't get a direct answer. He talked about concerns about Barry Road, he mentioned the possibility of having gatherings in the parks to communicate with citizens, he said he had the time because he recently retired. This was his first meeting ever...or at least the first I have seen him in the past 4 and a half years that I have attended. His campaign slogan is "Progress Through Involvement".

Alan York has been actively involved in city government since 1998. He has worn many hats, including Planning Commission, Building Codes Inspector, West Ward Alderman, Interim Mayor and Mayor for the past two years. Are we better off than we were two years ago? You bet. Planning for water and sewer/grinder upgrades began. The budgetary process was streamlined and made more efficient. Alan implemented cross training in the City Clerk and Court of the Clerk positions. This paid off handsomely recently as the City Clerk resigned and Gwen Cenac, the Asst City Clerk stepped in and eventually was selected as best qualified to be our City Clerk. He has secured a grant for the City, discovered a huge oversight in the Sprint settlement, negotiated a greatly reduced charge for city audit, uncovered an exemption in our codes that allowed KC MO to avoid a franchise fee that should be paid to the City. Alan continues to maintain a hard line on behalf of the City in the Barry Road negotiations. Attention to detail...daily.

So, I am unwilling to trade the measurable history of results of Alan York, for an opponent who is inexperienced and late to the game. There is too much at stake.

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