Wednesday, January 7, 2009

small city, BIG GOVERNMENT

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL Board of Aldermen
I've run three marathons, so last night's 3 hour meeting was well within my pain threshold (4:39 for my last KC Marathon).

It takes a village, or so it seems as the WL BOA continues to expand the number official committees it has appointed. Last night the MS4 Committee received it's charter which includes the appointment of up to ten members. MS4 refers to the rolling requirement to monitor and control storm water within the City. The sunset provision in the charter goes into effect in 2013. Vic DeJong is the point alderman for the Committee.

DeJong is the point alderman for the newly designated "Entrance Advisory Committee", nineteen members strong ( couldn't write fast enough, I'll get you the names). According to Vic's proposed timeline, construction for the monuments could begin as early as October (high likelyhood the companion Barry road project will still be struggling along). At this point you might be thinking/saying, whoa! How much are they going to spend? Subscribing to the "chicken or the egg" paradigm, the council chose chicken last night, wisdom is, RFP first, then figure out the money. This we do know, KCMO has pledged $50,000 for replacement of the monuments on Barry and the Committee has raised $2,258. That's the kitty as it stands. Marge Stockwell mentioned last night the $400,000 figure for monuments was just a number she "picked out of the air". Fair enough, but it is a safe bet the number will be substantially beyond $52,200. The EAC, now that it is an official committee will have to comply with the MO Sunshine Law as pointed out by the city attorney last evening. Posting of meetings, maintaning minutes, observing quorums, discussions/emails, etc., all now under the law.

Just like the TV ad asks, "What's In Your Wallet?"


mike moratz said...

Members of the Entrance Advisory Committee:
Jim Miller (Chair)
Marianne Ennett, Bill Hornung, Joyce McInerney, Marvin Springer, Steve Cantrell, Tanya Finn, Mary Hoy, Marge Stockwell, Pat White, Gwen Cenac, Augie Grasis, Kristy Lawrence, Lyle Phillips, Roy Stockwell, Tony White, Kristopher Dabner, Pam Grasis, Scott Lehr, George Regan, Ron Surma, Alan York, Vic DeJong, Lynne Hinkle, George Lowman, Scott Slaggie, Ursala Terrasi.

Anticipated Funding Sources: City of Weatherby Lake Capital Improvements, Grants, Donations.

Anonymous said...

Looks like whether we want new entrance signs or not, it's going to be forced through in some form.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mike...How many citizens were in the audience Tuesday night besides you? Maybe I should invite my whole street to come and watch how OUR money is being spent? I would rather have my street paved.
I would like to have entrances that say "Go Away."

mike moratz said...

Around 17 or so in the audience including a Boy Scout working on a civics badge for Eagle Scout.

There is about $480,000 left in bond money for paving, There is a pretty long list of streets in need, just depends where your street lands on the list. Call your alderman.

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify,the money coming from "Weatherby Lake Capital Improvements" is the money Kansas City, MO is paying to our city for destroying our old monuments. KCMo is paying, I believe, $50,ooo total for old monuments. That money will be put towards new monuments.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a lot of criticism about the entrance monuments. Some of it deals with why the entire community was not asked what they wanted or whether or not they wanted new monuments. If we are going to criticize that, what about the $50,000 of your money that we are planning to burn all in one night on a party to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the lake/dam? Before this project was started, were you asked about this? Have you been given the opportunity to voice your concern or wishes regarding it? Think about it.

mike moratz said...

Not sure where the $50,000 figure came from, I do not believe any City or WLIC money is involved. The 75th group is not an official committee of the City. I guess the same could be said about Fireworks, $10,000 shot off in 30 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Did the old monuments get damaged. Or is there a chance they could be put back when the roads are done. The $50,000 from KC could go to putting them back in??? I'm new so I don't know, just sounds like ir they aren't damamged why not reuse the old and save some conflict?

mike moratz said...

The monuments were dismantled, not destroyed and the useable materials, rock etc, were placed in the shop storage area of the City garage.

Anonymous said...

8:02 am.....sounds logical enough to reuse the old. However there is a groundswell that is suggesting that we need new entrances to better reflect our community. And that new, professionally designed and built aesthetics will increase our property value.

I question whether or not we really want to draw more attention to our city as with the expansion of the northland comes higher crime, etc. I sort of feel like lay low and keep our gem a secret.

Anonymous said...

Thank you January 12, 2009 12:54 PM, I totally agree. We're not Riss Lake.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree as well. I'm really uncomfortable with all the aldermen on this committee since they are the ones who decide how to spend our money. Do we have any guarantee that our tax dollars won't be spent on this project? At least the mayor is not on the committee, may be a voice of reason. We just have too many needs right now... roads, sewer, etc. and that's where our extra money should be spent right now.