Saturday, January 24, 2009

"Weatherby Lake mayor part of $12 million settlement"

Page A5, January 22nd issue of the Sun Gazette (you know, the yellow plastic bag they throw in your driveway). Not much new in the article, a compilation of news releases including the one from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission enforcement director Obie who says, "Today's enforcement action punishes those responsible for DFA's manipulative scheme with a $12 million civil penalty and a trading ban"

Michael Westblade who wrote the article did not receive return call requests for comment from either mayor Bos or Gary Hanman. A similar article was run in the Luminary in December.

Speaking of the Sun Gazette, don't know if you noticed on page A3 of the same issue, the Gazette's announcement of the termination of home delivery effective April 2nd. You can sign up for mail(free) delivery by clipping the coupon or sending your vitals to Some will cheer this turn of events, at least those who don't pick up the paper from their driveway won't have the newspaper to kick around any more.

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