Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Fourth on the Fifth

Enjoyable 4th, right?  The weather was fab, got to visit with friends (and relatives) and eat like a glutton...can you say Pepcid Complete?  WL fireworks went off without a hitch, we thought they were A+, that was the consensus on the boat we were on.  There seemed to be more boats on the lake than the past couple of displays...our imagination?

Caught up on emails during a break in the action yesterday...one that stuck out was an email entitled "My" country tis of thee, sweet land of...", addressed to "Fellow citizens of Weatherby Lake", the author Ed Kendrick.  Now one of the liberties we all treasure is freedom of speech, so I will grant him that much.  I assume many if not most of you received the email, a number of folks remarked yesterday they had...if you haven't, talk to some of your friends, I'm sure someone probably did.  I think it is fair to characterize the email as a "rant" and at best, a bit bizarre.  My simle summary of the "missive" ( Mike Henderson liked to use that word) is "wow", emphasis on the understated, non-capitalized version...like, really?
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Anonymous said...

A true American


Anonymous said...

Take the 5th ... and know it will be recorded on a home video camera