Wednesday, July 27, 2011

If a Tree Falls...

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
We'll have to have an offline discussion about that one, in the meantime, the BOA "workshop" regarding Tree City USA scheduled for Thursday has been cancelled.  Apparently the idea ran into a buzz saw of questions.  Hopefully the particulars will be discussed at the next BOA meeting to be held on the evening of 2 August.  So, I can't answer the question posed at the beginning but I can say the Tree City USA idea, for now, has fallen with a ...thud.   

Buzz sawImage via Wikipedia

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Anonymous said...

As it should have. Hopefully for good.

Anonymous said...

Make a person wonder how many phone calls each of the alderpersons and the mayor might have received voicing concern about this issue