Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Near Miss

Daily Shoot 05.26.10 [Square]Image by colemama via Flickr
The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
July 5th

Actually it was three near hits recently that spawned Alderman Folkedahl's interest in adding a stop sign at the south end of Eastside Drive near City Hall.  Considerable discussion followed with the topic weaving from the origin of Blair back in the old days (farming trail) to the County Commissioners looking at the intersection at Blair a few year ago...with the Aldermen/Mayor/Police Chief giving their "fixes" to the problem.  Gary, after thinking out loud, favors a roundabout, and was negative on the placing of a stop sign on city property (considerable discussion on where the city begins and ends, bottom line, nobody really knows).  The Chief pointed out Eastside Drive was a main thoroughfare and you just don't put a stop sign on it.  Apparently after a discussion with the county about the problem a county squad care posted at the south end of Eastside and it was Gary's guess the officer issued "more than one ticket" presumably for speeding.
Alderman Finn asked how many accidents have happened at the intersection in question...Jerry jumped in the discussion with the comment, "oh man, a lot".  The Chief replied," less than you would think" and offered the guess of three or four a year.  The City is going to approach the Parkville Special Road District about the problem (Jerry surmised they must be spending a ton of money at the intersection of Blair and 45).
Good luck with that idea.  Might be more effective to approach them with the question of when was the last time the road district spent money inside WL for the maintenance of roads.  
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