Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tree Huggers

The Official Unofficial Minutes of the WL BOA
5 July

Tree Nazi might be kind of strong, Tree Czar is probably more appropriate.  Alderman DeJong is well on his way to establish WL as a Tree City USA.  In order to achieve the designation from the Arbor Day Foundation, four requirements have to be met:

  • Establishment of a Tree Board
  • Enactment of a Tree Care Ordinance
  • A Community Forestry Program with a budget of $2 per capita per year
  • An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation
The Tree Board fits right in with this crew which never met a Board they didn't like.  The idea is to capitalize on the Park Board's activities in regards to trees, possibly making the Tree Board a sub-committee of the PB.  The PB recently had the Department of Conservation identify the trees in the Parks.  Consequently they are in the midst of developing a 30 year plan for trees in the Parks.  The Tree Ordinance could get a bit tricky.  Although not required, an ordinance that includes private property is in the mix.  Vic didn't share the wording of his draft at the BOA, but alluded to the fact it might be controversial.  The 2$ per person budget is presumed to be covered by the Park Board's current budget of tree trimming/replacement/care...meaning the project would be cost neutral to tax payers.  The Proclamation and Observance are a layup.  So there you have it.  Vic is interested in having more discussions...look for a day time meeting of the BOA to put the program in motion.    


Anonymous said...

We need a wakeboard.

Its time to get an effort to educate about and then enforce the no wakezone

Take a break from over enforcement of dock and motor sticker placement

We know who paid anyway

Enforce the rules ..before someone gets hurt

Slow down life is good

Anonymous said...

Enough already! Leave my trees alone and stay out of my yard. The city needs to take care of its own yard at city hall.

Jackdaw Observer said...

We would like to see a tree ordinance requiring owners to take responsibility for the monetary damage and problems their tree(s) cause to others’ property.

Anonymous said...

Jackdaw - can you be more specific?

Anonymous said...

Jackdaw, you have to be kidding? The city doesn't enforce laws on the books already in force. Get a good attorney like the resident on Potomac and sue em. Much more efficient and something is likely to happen.

Jackdaw Observer said...

To a degree you are right 6:31pm. Having spent years and years in courtrooms over one thing or another, one must weigh the costs and establish facts. Facts such as their lack of cooperation and repeatedly property offensives. The practicality of the matter, it is easier to save time and money by fixing the damage than to hire an attorney. Or establish a strong property line in hopes the self-absorbed neighbor gets the hint. But yes, at some point an attorney is a serious consideration. It would be much simpler to have an ordinance to address some everyday common sense issues such as limbs falling on cars and home, tree roots invading the neighbor’s foundations or driveways; etc. . An ordinance requiring a continuous shedding tree to be cut back so the limbs don’t fall on the neighbors autos or home should be straight forward enough – common neighbor courtesy. We would think it would be obvious but some people are living in such total oblivion, they have no idea the effect of their trees or they don’t care or they’re self-center idiots.
Hence Jackdaw Observer . . . a jackdaw is the smallest member of the crow family. It will take over nests of other birds or use holes in trees and buildings. A covetous fellow steals what he was never made to enjoy. Translation – that neighbor with constant favors, continual borrowing, continual use or invasion of your property, or total obliviion to the determent effect he/she has on their neighbors. A jackdaw neighbor loves people who can’t say no.

Anonymous said...

Get this. A Weatherby Lake resident is unable to park their cars in their driveway. Tree branches are falling on their cars. One tree’s branches are hanging so low they can't even drive on their driveway without whacking the tree. At their own cost, they remove part of the neighbor's trees over their driveway. Neighbor complains to the authorities his trees' were cut back. Go figure.
There needs to be an ordinance.

Anonymous said...

If the branches are on your property, whack what is on your property...who needs the authorities or an ordinance?

Anonymous said...

12:48, that is what this Weatherby Lake resident did. The neighbor got nowhere with the powers to be. It is beyond anyone's understanding how this neighbor thought THEY were wronged. Does anyone know what laws are in place if an ordinance isn't needed?

Anonymous said...

12:48 PM Sometimes ordinances are put into place to state the obvious to the dimwits out there. There are people who think trees’ rights take priority over personal property or it’s not their problem their trees are causing issue. I’m with you, just whack it off and tell your neighbor where he can go.

Anonymous said...

If it hangs over the property line then it is your property to do with as you see fit. Period.

Anonymous said...

9:21, what rights do you have if invading tree roots are causing a problem?