Saturday, July 23, 2011

I Think I Shall Never See

James JoyceCover of James Joyce
James Joyce

Brought by the same crew (Jerry & the BOA) who is messing with your garbage, they are now fixin to mess with the trees on your private property.  Say it ain't so, Mikey!  I can't.  Part of Vic's proposal to make the City a "Tree City USA".  You can have a voice in the matter this coming Thursday...if you take off of work and come to a BOA "workshop" to discuss the matter.  In their typical arrogance and disrespect for working folks, our elected officials (all retired and north of 60) have picked the time of 3PM to vet the proposal. One of the required elements to qualify for the designation is to have a ordinance for trees.  (Note there is no requirement for an ordinance governing private property...for some reason our ordinance is considering this.).  I will be in in NJ on business and cannot attend the meeting...anybody out there cover for me?  In lieu of me being there here is what I would say (I know a couple of you (aldermen) read this...please print and take with you to the workshop):

  • I am not opposed to a Tree City designation if it can be done with an ordinance that does not include private property...and
  • does not require money above what is already budgeted for trees in the City (ie Park Board)...and
  • does not make the Park Board the designated "Tree Committee", they have enough to do with parks, and I think it is a stretch of state statute to add all the trees in the City to their duties. I understand this Committee would be "advisory"  something which is not the case for the Park Board which is independent of City control.  I am sure Jerry can come up with enough of his friends to make a Tree Committee or just task one of his already do nothing committees (like the Audit Committee) to pinch hit for trees.    
Because it is a "workshop" no votes can be taken, this is just a way Vic can lubricate the idea before the Council considers it at the next BOA.  What will be lubricated and with what lubricant is to be determined.
KyjellyukImage via Wikipedia

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Anonymous said...

This is the same problem we have in Washington-lawmakers can't help themselves, they have to make laws.

Anonymous said...

at this point enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

"This is the same problem we have in Washington-lawmakers can't help themselves, they have to make laws"

Give them a hammer and show em a nail and they will hammer

Give them a weapons system and a swagger and there we go again getting entangled in civil war (s)with no end

But some shall never see

Anonymous said...

spread the word.... tell your neighbors to get to city hall this coming Thursday at 3 pm. The Board of Aldermen/City should not have the right to tell us to cut down trees, plant only certain trees. We need to make this clear to the BOA.

Anonymous said...

As with all politicians they can't leave well enough alone. Since they apparently have nothing of any importance to do, they have to make something up to get attention. They want to leave a legacy. Something where they can get their names on a plaque and be remembered forever. How can we stop this nonsense? Who gives a @%#&^$$ if we are designated, "Tree City USA". And by the way, this ain't free. A requirement is that a certain amount of money must be spent on the project to qualify for the designation!

Anonymous said...

Also as many as possible should attend the Thursday 3 pm meeting.
If this is approved they will be able to enter your property and decide on trees to be removed. Think about standing on the end of your driveway and looking toward your home, the city has right of way at least 15'. Alot of trees would be removed at the owners expense.
We need to watch our Board they are thinking of pushing alot of things through. And they can with no one attending the meetings.

Jackdaw Observer said...

I understand, 4:55. Every year there seems to another rule and regulation. We remember when ordinances were passed where we could no longer could burn our leaves or set off aerial fireworks. People could not be responsible. But, my guess is 4:55you don’t have trees limbs and debris falling, damaging your cars, house or fences; or tree roots tearing up your driveway and/or house foundation. And chances are you don’t have irresponsible neighbors who don’t give a rat’s a**. Legal action becomes the only remedy. A simple request from the city: “Dear Mr. Jackdaw, Please be a good neighbor and remove or cut back your trees so your neighbor doesn’t have to contend with your trees’ damaging their property.”

Anonymous said...

A tree ordinance is a very common law for a city to have.